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Smartive accompagna EFSA nel journey verso lo Smart Working

In a few days, we will officially start our journey in EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority based in Parma. Smartive received at the end of 2017 the task of designing and coordinating the Transformation Journey that all EFSA employees will have to perform in the coming months, also thanks to the implementation of Office 365 and other smart working tools.

A vast and varied path, which will involve all 600 employees through specific training waves and the adoption of many of the formats developed by Smartive in its methodology called Open Transformation. A framework designed to allow EFSA to adopt new technologies in the most agile and scalable way and to implement a healthy digital culture, in the context of the general objectives of the EFSA New World of Work Project.

The starting point will be the launch of the SmartiveMap and the administration to the entire company population, followed by one2one and focus group interviews. Thanks to this process we will know and involve the internal Digital Champions to which dedicated sessions will be dedicated and which will play an essential role in bringing the other colleagues on board throughout the journey. The first wave of training will start in April by the training needs that will emerge from the analysis performed with SmartiveMap. There will not be the classical teachers: from the perspective of Open Transformation, protagonists will be managers of external companies, founder of startups and the contamination with external ecosystems will be the basis of the whole project.

Many different themes will be dealt with in the sessions and ample space for sharing and exchange. Stay tuned!